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Suppression of Secondary Flows in a Mixed-Flow Pump Impeller by Application of Three-Dimensional Inverse Design Method : Part 2

The previous paper describes the design of the blade geometry of a medium specific speed mixed flow pump impeller by using a three-dimensional...

Suppression of Secondary Flows in a Mixed-Flow Pump Impeller by Application of Three-Dimensional Inverse Design Method : Part 1

The paper describes the design of the blade geometry of a medium specific speed mixed flow pump impellerby using a three-dimensional inverse design...

Aerodynamic Design of a Radial Inlet Air Turbine Stage

The customer, one of the leading suppliers for aerospace companies, asked ADT to carry out the complete aerodynamic design of a radial inflow turbine...

Discover our Brand-New Publication with Hanon Systems on Modern Design of Automotive Axial Cooling Fans (FAN2022)

Hanon Systems provides complete solutions for automotive cooling systems, including electronic cooling fans (eCF’s) for power classes starting from...

Advanced Design Technology is now shipping TURBOdesign Suite 2022.1

LONDON, UK - September 20, 2022 - Advanced Design Technology (ADT), a global leader in the development of advanced turbomachinery design methods,...

What is the Optimum Blade Loading in Centrifugal Compressors?

Centrifugal compressors are one of the most commonly used gas compression systems across a variety of industries. For a centrifugal compressor, the...

How JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Designed their Rocket Engine Turbopump?

At the present time, Stepanoff’s design methodology based on empiricism using an experimental database is still widely used in pump design.

How to Optimize the Design of a Reversible Pump-Turbine Runner with High Efficiency and Stability?

Pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) is currently the only proven large-scale (>100 MW) energy storage technology. The benefits of PHES on electrical...

TURBOdesign Suite 2022R1: A Gateway to Automation in Turbomachinery Design

TURBOdesign Suite 2022R1 is a gateway to automation in Turbomachinery design with the following major enhancements.

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