Advanced Design Technology is now shipping TURBOdesign Suite 2022.1

LONDON, UK - September 20, 2022 - Advanced Design Technology (ADT), a global leader in the development of advanced turbomachinery design methods, today announces that its TURBOdesign Suite 2022.1 is now shipping.

TURBOdesign Suite is a unique aerodynamic and hydrodynamic 3D design software package that allows users to design, analyze and optimize all types of turbomachinery, such as axial, mixed-flow, or centrifugal pumps, compressors, fans, turbines and torque converters. Using the software, designers evaluate turbomachinery package size and performance predictions, perform detailed 3D blade design with 3D inverse design capabilities, analyze flow information per component, stage performances with turbomachinery specific 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and automate exploration of the design space with automatic optimization capabilities.

This version of the company’s three-dimensional (3D) inverse design technology software is a gateway to automation in turbomachinery design. ADT has taken important steps by integrating their optimization function to TURBOdesign1. This coupled with the unique machine learning driven automatic range set up system for design parameters streamlines further unique capabilities for 3D inverse design method for turbomachinery design automation.


Automation plays a key role in helping engineers designing turbomachinery of all kinds streamline their process and become more productive,” said Professor Mehrdad Zangeneh, founder and managing director of ADT.


New Features in TURBOdesign Suite 2022.1

TURBOdesign Pre
now supports axial compressor meanline design for up to 10 stages while the centrifugal compressor module allows selection of a new multi-point design option typical of turbocharger or fuel cell compressors. Additionally there is a new option to write out a TURBOdesign Volute XML file.

TURBOdesign1 features a brand new integrated rapid design optimization (Optima Workflow 1), users can now perform design optimization directly from TURBOdesign1 interface.  Post-processing of TURBOdesign1 has been extended to output a richer set of quantitative result variables and blade loading comparison Additional new features include new enhancements to the 'Radial Filament' method, an improved behaviour for the generation of the training edge cut-off and, finally, the solver has been extended to support a wider range of mesh sizes.

 TURBOdesign Volute has a new Performance section on the section of the Post-processing user interface, the key outputs from TURBOdesign Volute can now be written to a separate output XML file in script mode, it is now possible to export a solid geometry model, in IGES format, from TURBOdesign Volute as well as a surface based model, and other small enhancements include allowing users to specify angle shift for outlet tube geometry and control of the ‘overhang’ size for semi-elliptical volutes.

TURBOdesign Link WB has been extended to support Volute design and can be coupled with 3D blade design in TURBOdesign1 for multi-point optimization in ANSYS Workbench.

Discover the New Features on this Webinar

Playback our last webinar on TURBOdesign Suite 2022R1 release, where you will:

  • Learn how the integration of optimization with the unique automatic range set up system inside TURBOdesign1’s 3D inverse design method can be a gateway for automation in 3D Turbomachinery design;
  • Discover how scripting functionality in TURBOdesign Volute can make fully automated whole stage optimization a reality;
  • Understand how the integration of TURBOdesign Volute and TURBOdesign1 inside Ansys Workbench can enable fully automated design optimization of whole stages of radial pumps, compressors, fans and turbines.


Playback the Webinar


About Advanced Design Technology

Advanced Design Technology (ADT) is a global leader in the development of advanced turbomachinery design methods, which help not only to shorten development time but also improve the performance of turbomachinery components.  ADT’s aim is to put designers in direct control of the aerodynamic design and to shorten considerably the design time and time to market for a range of turbomachinery products.  ADT’s clients, who represent some of the leading global players in the aerospace, automotive, power generation and marine fields, have achieved significant returns on investment in terms of reduction in design times, higher performance and ease of know-how transfer among different design teams and projects.

For more information, call +44 (0) 20 7299 1170 or go to: 


Media Contacts

Lorenzo Bossi
Chief Operating Officer
Advanced Design Technology
+44 (0) 20 7299 1170

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