Webinar: TURBOdesign Suite 2021R1 Release

TURBOdesign Suite Webinar March 5, 2021

You can from now on get a free access to our TURBOdesign Suite 2021R1 Release webinar. Over the past 21 years, TURBOdesign Suite and its unique 3D inverse design based approach to turbomachinery design has helped many leading companies in industries such as pumps, fans, chiller compressors and turbochargers to develop more efficient designs and hence has contributed in significant reductions in CO2 emissions.

But given the current requirements for turbomachinery design, 3 years ago we decided to develop, from the ground up, a new platform for turbomachinery design that will enable an intuitive design system that can be picked up by any engineer without much previous experience of turbomachinery design. We wanted a system that provides a simple framework to quickly come up with designs that meet the required duty point and also help designers to make judgements in terms of contrasting design requirements such as cavitation and efficiency for pumps or noise and efficiency for fans or efficiency and range for compressors.

TURBOdesign Suite 2020.1, which was released in September 2020, represent a first step in the development of this fully integrated easy to use system for all types of turbomachinery.


Fig1Fig 1: A typical design layout for TURBOdesign Suite 2020R1.


Plans for 2021

We are planning two releases in 2021.

  • 2021R1 in March;
  • 2021R2 in September.

2021R1 Release

The 2021R1 release will have the following major features and enhancements

  • New more robust solver for TURBOdesign1.
  • New import function which allows the import of all important parameters such as loading, thickness stacking from an existing .tds file.
  • Further enhancement to the unit system allowing more flexible choice of units for different variables throughout.
  • Further improvement to the control point system used for loading, thickness, blockage and stacking.
  • The reverse engineering function available in TURBOdesign CAD which enabled designers to bring in an existing geometry in the form of xyz data and then find the blade loading and spanwise RV for that case is also being made available directly in TURBOdesign1.
  • Support for export of *.ibl files for Pro/E.
  • New TURBOdesign Pre module for Francis turbines.

Plans 2021R2 Release

For 202 R2 release, we are planning a number of important functionalities as well. But perhaps most important is the enhancement of the user interface of current TURBOdesign1 to handle all the different module of TURBOdesign Suite. 

We are also making significant progress with further development of TURBOdesign2 our viscous 3D inverse design method. I hope to outline some progress we have made in this regard in due course.

Playback ADT's webinar on the new TURBOdesign Suite release

Discover the major features and enhancements of this 2021R1 release.

Playback the webinar

Mehrdad Zangeneh

Mehrdad Zangeneh is Founder and Managing Director of Advanced Design Technology and professor of Thermofluids at University College London.

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